OPTIK - Nineteen Groupe



OPTIK is a clear invitation to question our beliefs and conventional office life.

OPTIK also looks towards a dynamic and attractive district that is already seen as a Parisian revival, rich in inventive and diverse living spaces.

OPTIK is a virtuous renovation that offers the advantages of an original structure combined with innovative technologies. A free-standing framework for inventing the modular, flexible, and reversible offices of tomorrow.

OPTIK is also about the interplay of materials and colours that illuminate the wood-paneled façades, magnify the through-going lobby under its prismatic glass roof, guide movement and flow, and create landmarks.

OPTIK, Changing points of view

 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe
 - Nineteen Groupe